Grodno – Lida – Slonim – Synkawitschy – Zhirovichy – Nesvizh – Mir – Minsk – Strochitsy – Nanosy – Vitebsk – Polotsk


Cost of the tour for 1 person for individual tourists and organized groups:

from 1 to 6 people – Calculation of the tour individually

from 6 to 10 people – from 370 EUR/ Persona

from 10 to 20 people – from 330 EUR/ Persona

from 20 to 30 people – from 300 EUR/ Persona

From 30 to 40 people – from 290 EUR/ Persona

Included in the price:

accommodation in hotels 3 *

BB (breakfast) food

guide services

entrance fees to sites visited

advice on registration documents for entry into the Republic of Belarus (visa) or paperwork for entry without a visa

The price does not include:

compulsory health insurance in force in the territory of the Republic of Belarus

Additionally you can order:

transport on the territory of the Republic of Belarus (passenger car, van, bus)

Transfer from / to the airport / railway station

powered HB (half board: breakfast+dinner, breakfast+dinner), FB (full board: breakfast+lunch+dinner)

translation services

driver services

    1 day

    Hrodna, The acquaintance with the city begins with the Old Castle. Old Castle is the residence of the princes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Vytautas and King of Poland-Lithuania Stefan Batory. The New Castle was in the 18th century. Behest of King Augustus III. built as the venue for the Polish-Lithuanian parliament. The castle was the site of the so-called Grodno Sejm. The palace is one of the most important examples of Saxon architecture in the old Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the walk through Samkowaja street you can see the fire brigade tower of the beginning of the 20th century. At 12 noon every day the way the trumpeter playing on him. Sovetskaya street is the city center. Grodno is cozy, atmospheric and romantic. The road turns into Oscheschko road. As for the road Oscheschko, so the house-museum of the writer Eliza Oscheschko here is interesting in the first place, the street named in their honor. Also on the road Oscheschko the Orthodox Holy Pokrovsky cathedral impressed. The St. Mary’s protection and intercession-Cathedral is one of the most important Christian sites in the city. It represents the neo-Russian (neo-Byzantine) style. Opposite the Assumption protection and intercession-Cathedral is the Lutheran Church. It was built in the Gothic Revival Still in the early 19th century. Until now the tourists from different countries will find an exciting mix of culture, events and beauty.

    Lida, Launch date of the Lida is the date of commencement Lida Castle (1323). Today Lida is the second city of the area (100 thousand inhabitants).

    City tour. Church of the establishment of the St. Cross (1770), Church of St. Michael (XVIII c.), Where the long time worked a planetarium. Monuments in the city: Hills of immortality Francysk-Skaryna Monument, urban sculpture “Hikers at the hotel.”

    Castle in Lida was built in the 1330s on behalf of Prince Gedimin in Romanesque-Gothic style. The castle was the protection of the Crusaders. The castle was one of a series of buffs the defense line of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Nawahrudak-Krewo-Medniki-Troki. Castle in Lida is a sure protection for medieval princes and their allies. Here the marriage of 71-year-old King of Poland and Prince of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Jagajlo and 17-year-old Sofii Golschanski took place in the 1422nd The castle was repeatedly stormed and besieged.

    2 day

    Slonim, Slonim is a “city of museums” of Belarus, which was founded in the 1252nd The two “start” of the city were connected with the activities of the future Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lew Sapieha, who built a castle here. Tourists can Farny Church of St. Andreas (1775) in the Rococo style, the Church of Bernardine (1670), the Synagogue (1642), the Holy Trinity Church (1645), visit Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral and other valuable monuments.

    Synkawitschy, Here is the pearl of the Belarusian architecture – the fortified church in the style of the Orthodox Gothic – St. Michael’s Church (1407). The church lays claim to the list of UNESCO world heritage. In the church is from 2005, a copy of the miraculous icon of Wsezariza who has healed from cancer many people.

    Zhirovichy, Zhirovichy became famous after 1470, as a miraculous icon was found in the local forests. Tourists visit the “capital of the Belarusian Orthodoxy” during the tour – Dormition Monastery. Tourists are Dormition Monastery (1650), where the miraculous icon of Our Lady of Zhirovichskaya is seen.

    The Epiphany Church (1672), the Holy Cross Church (1769), the construction of a theological seminary (17th century), you can buy the tourist souvenirs and take water from the famous source (fountain) of Zhirovichi.

    3 day

    Nesvizh is the center of the estate of Radziwill, which was very powerful and influential in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland-Lithuania. In Nesvizh European nobility and kings. Here were balls, parades, hunting for the nobility. The palace ensemble of the Radziwill belongs since 2005 to the UNESCO World Heritage. Castle Nesvizh has the following architectural styles: Renaissance, Classicism, Baroque, Rococo, Art Nouveau, Neoclassicism. Church God’s body is the first church in Eastern Europe in the Baroque style. Here is the crypt of Radziwill. This is the third largest in Europe after Fürstengruft Habsburg and Bourbon. The Town Hall in Nesvizh is the oldest probably keep City Hall in Belarus. Slutsker Gate is the original monument to the Baroque style. This is the only well keep gate in Belarus.

    Crossing in Mir, I am aware since 1395 and one of the main tourist “fire brand” of Belarus. The most famous building in Me is erected at the beginning of the 15th century Castle of Mir, which is on the list of UNESCO World Heritage since the year 2000. With its Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements, it is an example of the magnate architecture from the time of the Polish-Lithuanian rule. The money represents the Castle of Mir. During the walk, tourists explore the Chapel-tomb of the princes Svyatopolk-Mirski (1904), Holy Trinity Church (1550) and the Church of St. Nicholas.

    4 day

    The capital of Belarus is Minsk. Business capital is Minsk Gate – two symmetrical eleven-storey towers on the Privokzalny place, built in the 1953rd

    Freedom Square with the Church of Saints Simon and Helena (Red Church), built in 1910 under the financial support of the nobleman Edward Woyniłłowicz. The church’s name refers to the patrons of the children Woyniłłowiczs – the children had died young.

    Prospect of Freedom. This is the place where there is in pristine shape Empire by Stalin.

    Island of Tears or island of courage and sorrow. This is the monument of Belarusian soldiers-internationalists who were killed in Afghanistan.

    Troitskoje suburb. This is the historic center of Minsk. Guests can experience the atmosphere of the first half of the 19th century deep. Today, there are many museums, coffee shop, art galleries, where townspeople and guests of the city to spend their free time.

    Freedom Square and City Hall. This is the main square of the medieval Minsk.

    Cathedral of the descent of the Holy Spirit. It belonged to the complex of the Catholic convent, founded in the 1633rd

    National Academic Theater of J. Kupala, National Academic Big Theater of Opera and Ballet, National Art Museum, National Library and many others.

    The Museum of Folk Architecture and Life “Strochitsy” located in the village Ozertso near Minsk. The Open Air Museum makes visitors acquainted with three ethnographic regions of Belarus: Belarus Central, Padneprowje, Paaserje. The improvised villages reproduce the traditional daily life of the farmers of the end XIX – the beginning of the XIX. Century. Residential buildings, household building (threshing, barn, mill), religious buildings (three churches and a chapel), public buildings (school, tavern, public storage).

    5 day

    Ethno-cultural complex “Nanosy-Nawaselle”

    The recovery in the ethno-cultural complex “Nanosy” helps all guests back to basic, simple and understandable values ​​and immerse themselves in cultural traditions. That’s the good choice for romantic and exciting journey …


    – Horse Show:

    You begin the visit of the equestrian complex with a “personal” acquaintance with our racers. We have more than a dozen horses, two zebras, a donkey, the grain in the mill runs. Our experienced grooms teach you. Where else can you pet and feed a zebra? We will train you to harness the horse.

    Welcome to the stands of the arena. Our horse show is a real show with its own intrigue: it all starts with a shadow and then with the dressing elements anzaubern. Then it’s energetic races and jumps! The sand is flying under the hooves of our horses to the roof. The presentation lasts one and a half hours.

    – Water Mill:

    And if windmills are known, water mills are not known. At the edge of a picturesque pond with water birds, with decorative-planted

    Plant is our mill. The diameter of the wheel, whereas about 70 liters of water per second fell is 4 meters. The water wheel moves his entire mechanism. On the ground floor of the mill is a bakery.

    Bread museum is located on the second floor of the watermill. Under the shed there is an exhibition in which you can find tools with which our ancestors plowed earth, rye removed and have threshed grain. You will see a drive of rye, pile and Schober. On the second floor you will see how to pour Müller in water millstones grain.

    – Museum of samovars and coins:

    What feast was formerly without tea? In the east and in the west they drank tea everywhere. To imagine how this happened, visit the largest collection of samovars in Belarus: from tiny to huge, from coppery until golden. They were produced in various factories and used to have different prices: from favorable for farmers to expensive for merchants and landlords. Many of our exhibits are samovars with medals, ie they have fees for temporary exhibitions. The museum is dedicated not only the samovar. The Museum of the ceremony of the tea is dedicated in different countries. If you visit this museum, you will learn more about tea time in the Arab world, in Japan, and even in ancient Egypt.

    The museum has an exhibition of rare Belarusian coins: pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern.

    – Museum of the retro cars:

    They will look at the collection of cars of the Soviet era.

    – Museum of Moonlight:

    The museum has more than fifty Moonlight bottles: from giant to small, from simple to the incredibly complex structures. Most of them were made in the Soviet period in Belarus. Each of our units has particular highlight. For example, one of them was mounted on a GAZ-69 car to flee from the police. And other devices have respectable origin: They were in pre-revolutionary rich families on the tables so guests could see that alcohol they drink, is fresh and undiluted. We also have “champions” devices – their product was recognized as the best in Russia.

    – lookout tower:

    At a short distance from the main buildings of the complex, a viewing platform is in the form of a windmill. There you can environments both shores of the lake Lake Narach and Peninsula Nanosy where the complex is located, look good. And in good weather you can also see Vilnius!

    – Windmill from the 19th century:

    The complex is a real windmill that was built in the 1876th Its mechanism was purchased in Lyakhovichsky district. Such unique things are protected by law in general and are owned by the state, but about Lyakhovichsky Mlin the state has forgotten.

    Before the mill reached the complex, she was grinding flour from the late 19th century to the 20th century. At first she was a miller in private hands, then his son and grandson worked in the Soviet collective farm it.

    The tour ends with a tasting room with a delicious lunch.

    6 day

    Crossing in Vitebsk, During the bus city tour you will get to know the famous building of the city. Annunciation Church, the Pokrovsky Cathedral (XVII century.), Church of St. Barbara, Voskresensky church.

    In Vitebsk there are also modern construction: the summer amphitheater, the tower Duchowski Kruglik, shopping center, constructed in the form of three pyramids. About the heavy fate of the city during the Great Patriotic War will tell you the place of victory. Leadership: the house-museum of Marc Chagall, where old photos of the family and children Chagall things to see.

    Lead in Polotsk. Polotsk is the oldest city of Belarus. For the first time it is mentioned in 862 years. Today there are many archaeological and historical monuments here. The excursion to Polotsk begins with the Upper Castle. In the 10th century here was the administrative center of the city. Next we see Sophia Cathedral (1030-1060). The cathedral was destroyed in 1710 during the Northern War. In 1738 that was restored, but already in the Baroque style. During the war in 1812 in the Cathedral of the Orthodox relic was Cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk preserved. A Soviet period was the heritage museum here. Now it’s the nature museum. Here, the festival of organ music and the concerts of chamber and organ music will take place. The tourists are a unique monument of the written language of the 12th centure see -Stein century of Borisov. During the city tour we will Spasso-Jefrossinijewski Monastery. Visit the center of the Belarusian Orthodox religion and spirituality. Here are the relics of Saint Euphrosyne and the copy of the Holy Cross (Cross of Euphrosyne). The original of the sanctuary was lost forever. In the cathedral of the monastery are the unique frescoes. The monastery was founded by Euphrosyne of Polotsk in the 12th century. The museum library Symeon of Polotsk, the Museum of the Belarusian book printing and the Museum of fighting glory. The Livonian War the wave of Ivan the Terrible recalls. The house where was in 1705 Tsar Peter I.